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Wearwell                    Weiser Lock                   Lenox                        BRK Electronics
 Wellington                                                Lewis Pipe                   Bryant Electric
 Wesco                            PLUMBING                 Little Giant                 Bussman
 Woodhead                                                  Mansfield                    Cantex
                             A.Y. Mcdonald                 Markal                       Carlon
      FASTENERS              Advanced Drainage             Matco-Norca                  Coleman Cable
                             System                        Mayco Industrial             Cooper Wiring Devices
 Arrow Fastener              All-Weather                   Merit Brass                  Core Lite
 Bostich                     American Plumber              Midland Metal Manufacturing  Duracell
 Brighton-Best               American Valve Mfg. Co.       Mill-Rose                    Eagle Electric
 Chicago Hardware & Fixture  American Water Heater         Moen                         Fail Safe
 Dodge Inserts               Anderson-Barrows Metals       Monarch Industries           FTZ Industries
 Ez-Lok                      Anvil International           Mueller Industries           GE Lighting
 FPC                         Asahi American                Myers                        Greenlee
 Gripco                      Asco Valve                    New Age Industries           Halo
 HeliCoil                    Atco Rubber                   NIBCO                        I O LED
 IPS Fasteners               B&K                           Norca Plumbing               Ideal Industries
 Marson                      Bandit                        Northrop Grumman             InVue
 Metric & Multistandard      Bell & Gossett                Kester                       Iris
 NPR                         Bernzomatic                   Oatey                        Lumark
 Peco Fasteners              Bex Spray Nozzles             Peerless Pottery             Lumiere
 P-K - Parker Kalon          Billco Corp                   Pentair                      Maglite
 POP - Rivets and Tools      Bradley                       PHD Manufacturing            Magnetek
 Porteous Fastener           Brasscraft                    Plumb Pak                    McGraw - Edison
 Redhead                     Braxton Harris                Radiator Specialty           Metalux
 Spiralock                   Cambridge Lee                 Rectorseal                   Minerallac Electric
 SPR                         Cash Acme                     Ridgid                       MWS
 Star Stainless              Chemtrol                      Sawhill Tubular Pipe         National Standard Parts
 Supply Services             Church                        Simmons Manufacturing        Neoray
 Tapcon                      Cresline Plastic Pipe         Sioux Chief                  North American Philips
 Tucker                      Dixon Valve & Coupling        Spears Manufacturing         Portfolio
 W.H. Maze                   Duff-Norton                   Sterling Faucet              Shaper
 Warren                      Eemax                         Studor                       Southwire
 Zag                         Elkay                         Symmons                      Square D
                             Elkhart                       Telsco Industries            Streamlight
    HARDWARE &               Essex Brass                   Test-Tite                    Street Works
       SECURITY              F. E. Myers                   Tolco                        Sure Lites
                             Fernco                        Truebro                      Thomas & Betts
 American Lock Company       Fiat                          Vitra USA                    Woodhead
 Baldwin                     Fluidmaster                   Ward Manufacturing
 Baron                       Fluitek                       Water-Tite                            HVAC
 Campbell                    Grundfos                      Watts
 CCL Security                Guy Gray                      Weldbend                     Air Filtration Solutions
 Century Spring              Harrison Machine and Plastic  Weld-On                      Air Flow Technology
 Chicago Hardware &          Harvel Plastics               West Orange Brass            Airguard
 Fixture                     Hercules                      Wheatland Tube               American Air Filters
 H.A. Guden                  Hoffman Specialty             Wrap-On                      Apel International
 Hager                       Ideal                         Zoeller                      Hoffman Specialty
 Jones Spring                IPS                           Zurn                         Koch Filter
 K2 Comercial Hardware       ITT                                                        McDonnell and Miller
 Knape & Vogt Mfg            Jason Industrial                 ELECTRICAL &              Modine
 Kwikset                     Jimco                               LIGHTING               Polytron Filters
 Lawrence Bro. Consumer      Jones Stephens                                             Porta-Cool
 Lee Spring                  Keckley                       3M                           Precisionaire
 Master Lock                 Kissler & Co.                 American Seal-Tite           Thermoid
 Phifer                      Kitz                          AtLite                       TPI
 Stanley                     LA-CO                         Avery Dennison
                             Lake City Products            Bay State Cable Tie
CoInnftoarcmt ation:         Legend Valve                  Big Beam


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